Buenos días,
El Ford Capri Club Nederland nos hace llegar esta invitación a la concnetración internacional que tendrá lugar los próximos 1, 2 y 3 de Junio en Biddinghuizen (Holanda).
Adjunto el link del googlemaps para identificar su situación: http://maps.google.es/maps?q=Biddinghuizen&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:es-E...
Un saludo
Capri Club Madrid
International meeting Ford Capri Club Nederland June 1,2 and 3 - 2012 - Parc Riviera Biddinghuizen
Dear Capri friends,
The board welcomes all Capri Drivers on the International Ford Capri Netherlands Meeting. The event will be held on June 1st through 3rd at Parc Riviera recreation in Biddinghuizen in the centre of The Netherlands. For the third time in a row, this great place will host an international event where many Capri enthusiasts will meet each other. Fantastic Capri’s and their owners, and most of all a great place to be. Join the party!
Day passes for non-members of the Ford Capri Club Netherlands are 10 Euro per car and 5 euro per person. With this fee, almost all activities on the park are included in the price. There is an indoor and (for the die-hards) outdoor pool, indoor (free for kids 4-12 yrs tickets available at the clubshop) and outdoor playground, midget golf and indoor playground as well. There are several bowling alleys available against separate payments. On the park, there are several restaurants, a discotheque and pubs available.
As usual we have number of activities planned. On Friday evening we open the weekend in the Apres Ski bar. On Friday night we meet and greet and have a drink as a start on a successful weekend. To pay for your consumptions, you can buy coins with one of the board-members.
On Saturday the event will as usual be dominated by the Concours d'Elegance where we have some very skilled committee members that judge your car. There are also public prices, and we plan other activities that may be worth a prize or eternal fame. We are currently looking for more activities, to make this weekend unforgettable. In the evening we will have some good 70’s and 80’s and 90’s music for dancing or just bang your head!!!
Throughout the weekend, there are special areas to buy or sell your Capri spares and goodies. If you do want to sell your spares, be in time for a free booth or reserve your place via the email address meeting@fordcapriclubnederland.nl below. Bootlid sales are a good opportunity as well! In addition the club stand is represented and the club-shop is available with special Capri clothing’s, limited Capri scale models, books and more. You can also buy your consumption coins there as you will need them to order drinks at the bar.
Besides our own club, a number of Capri clubs will attend the weekend. Time to connect to Capri enthusiasts from other countries and clubs! If you own a different model of Ford: Come along and join us!
At Saturday night we build a party of course. We have opted for a big BBQ at the event site. Eat and drink between the Capri’s, party lights and good music. The costs are only 15,- Euro for adults and 7.50 euros for children up to 12 years. The BBQ will be provided by Riviera and there is a wide variety of good food available. It is important that you book in advance and pay for the number of attendees. We must indicate how many diners we need. The latest booking possibility is May 22nd. Those participating in the BBQ get a special wristband, and you need to wear this band during the bbq. The park also has a fine restaurantand a fastfood corner for the evening if you still decide to stay during the evening and night. During the evening we have the Award ceremony of the Jury for the most beautiful Capris. We have prizes for original (categories are Capri 1 (incl facelift) 2 and 3 (original) and a series of prizes for non-original Capris). The range of prizes have been extended as the quality and participation has been growing!!!
On Sunday, the spare parts corner, club shop and event area are open again and the meeting ends around 1600 hours. Gates open at 10 in the morning.
Like every year, there are great possibilities to stay with us for the whole weekend. If you want to reserve a mobile home or campground (campground is including water and electricity, please go to our website or use the attachment to send your reservation to meeting@fordcapriclubnederland.nl There are special offers if you book through our club (15% reduction): Great mobile homes to rent for 6 people the cost 230 euro. The Mobilehomes are newly placed and next to the event terrain! All of this includes access to the event of the FCCN and use of all free facilities of the park (exception to bowling alleys and midgetgolf). If you want to stay over with tent only, or even sleep in your Capri, you can book at the event. The rate night is 15 Eur per night for 2 persons per tent. Sleeping in your Capri is allowed, but not at the event site. You need to park your Capri at the campground area, and payment is 15 euro per car per night. You can decide to have your Capri parked at the event and take your tent to the camp area.
All mobile homes are grouped together, attached to the but availability is limited. Don’t wait to long please. There are also campingbungalows available. The price is 180 euros (incl entry to the event FCCN) for a 6 person camping bungalow (you have to use the central toilet / shower building.)
Cleaning costs are identical to the mobile homes.
The mobile homes and camping bungalows are equipped with 6 sheet packs a 6 euro per set.
The above is for a long weekend. That starts at 1500 pm on Friday and ends Monday morning at 10 AM. The deposit is 40, - Euro for mobile homes.
Camping: This is of course possible. This costs 35 Euro per night including electricity. This is advance booking or Saturday through meeting@fordcapriclubnederland.nl TXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Rolph Zwijnen is the contact for this booking, and if you use the above email address the emails will come directly to him On the website of http://www.fordcapriclubnederland.nl you can download and email the reservation form. Email address is: meeting@fordcapriclubnederland.nl
Don’t forget to register for the BBQ as well!
So, don’t wait to long and join us during the great international weekend of the Ford Capri Club Nederland !
The bank account of the club is:
IBAN NL13 RABO 0114 2527 26
The Board.
Hans Verbael – Chairman
Rein Schroten - Treasurer
Willem de Weerd – Administration
Rolph Zwijnen
Thome Ehlen
Phone enquiries can be made between 0900 and 1900 CET on +31 492 667854 (Hans Verbael) or via info@fordcapriclubnederland.nl
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